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Aşağıdaki liste ABD'deki eyaletlerin başkentlerinin listesidir.
Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'ndeki eyaletlerin başkentleri
Eyalet Birleşik Devletler'e katılım tarihi Başkent Başkent olduğu tarih Eyaletin en büyük kenti mi? Kent nüfusu Ana kent nüfusu Notlar
Alabama 1819 Montgomery 1846 Hayır 200,127 469,268 Eyaletin en büyük kenti Birmingham'dir.
Alaska 1959 Juneau 1906 Hayır 30,987 Eyaletin en büyük kenti Anchorage'dir. Only state capital to border another country.
Arizona 1912 Phoenix 1889 Evet 1,512,986 4,039,182 Phoenix Birleşik Devletler'deki en yüksek nüfusa sahip başkenttir.
Arkansas 1836 Little Rock 1821 Evet 204,370 652,834
California 1850 Sacramento 1854 Hayır 467,343 2,136,604 The Supreme Court of California sits in San Francisco. Los Angeles eyaletin en büyük kenti.
Kolorado 1876 Denver 1867 Evet 566,974 2,408,750
Connecticut 1788 Hartford 1875 Hayır 124,397 1,188,241 Bridgeport eyaletin en büyük kenti, but Greater Hartford is the largest metro area.
Delaware 1787 Dover 1777 Hayır 32,135 Wilmington is the state's largest city.
Florida 1845 Tallahassee 1824 Hayır 168,979 336,501 Jacksonville is the largest city, and Miami has the largest metro area.
Georgia 1788 Atlanta 1868 Evet 486,411 5,138,223 Atlanta is the most populous state capital by metropolitan area.
Hawaii 1959 Honolulu 1845 Evet 377,357 909,863
Idaho 1890 Boise 1865 Evet 201,287 635,450
Illinois 1818 Springfield 1837 Hayır 116,482 188,951 Şikago is the state's largest city.
Indiana 1816 Indianapolis 1825 Evet 791,926 1,984,664
Iowa 1846 Des Moines 1857 Evet 209,124 625,384
Kansas 1861 Topeka 1856 Hayır 122,327 228,894 Wichita is the state's largest city.
Kentucky 1792 Frankfort 1792 Hayır 27,741 69,670 Louisville is the state's largest city.
Louisiana 1812 Baton Rouge 1880 Hayır 224,097 751,965 New Orleans is the state's largest city and home to the Louisiana Supreme Court.
Maine 1820 Augusta 1832 Hayır 18,560 117,114 Augusta was officially made the capital 1827, but the legislature did not sit there until 1832. Portland is the state's largest city.
Maryland 1788 Annapolis 1694 Hayır 36,217 Annapolis is the third-longest serving capital in the United States after Santa Fe and Boston. Its capitol building is the oldest still in use. Baltimore is the state's largest city.
Massachusetts 1788 Boston 1630 Evet 590,763 4,455,217 Boston is the longest continuously serving capital in the United States. The Boston-Worcester-Manchester Combined Statistical Area encompasses the state capitals of Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island.
Michigan 1837 Lansing 1847 Hayır 119,128 454,044 Lansing is the only state capital that is not also the county seat of the county in which it is situated. Detroit is the state's largest city.
Minnesota 1858 Saint Paul 1849 Hayır 287,151 3,502,891 Minneapolis is the state's largest city, but is included within Saint Paul's metropolitan area.
Mississippi 1817 Jackson 1821 Evet 184,256 529,456
Missouri 1821 Jefferson City 1826 Hayır 39,636 Kansas City is the state's largest city, and Greater St. Louis is the state's largest metropolitan area.
Montana 1889 Helena 1875 Hayır 25,780 67,636 Billings is the state's largest city.
Nebraska 1867 Lincoln 1867 Hayır 225,581 283,970 Omaha is the state's largest city.
Nevada 1864 Carson City 1861 Hayır 57,701 Las Vegas is the state's largest city.
New Hampshire 1788 Concord 1808 Hayır 42,221 Manchester is the state's largest city.
New Jersey 1787 Trenton 1784 Hayır 84,639 367,605 Newark is the state's largest city.
New Mexico 1912 Santa Fe 1610 Hayır 70,631 142,407 Santa Fe is the longest serving capital in the United States. El Paso del Norte served as the capital of the Santa Fé de Nuevo Méjico colony-in-exile during the Pueblo Revolt of 1680-1692. Albuquerque is the state's largest city.
New York 1788 Albany 1797 Hayır 95,993 1,147,850 New York City is the state's largest city.
North Carolina 1789 Raleigh 1794 Hayır 380,173 1,635,974 Charlotte is the state's largest city.
North Dakota 1889 Bismarck 1883 Hayır 55,533 101,138 Fargo is the state's largest city.
Ohio 1803 Columbus 1816 Evet 733,203 1,725,570 The Cleveland and Cincinnati metropolitan areas are both larger.
Oklahoma 1907 Oklahoma City 1910 Evet 541,500 1,266,445 Oklahoma City is the shortest serving current state capital in the United States.
Oregon 1859 Salem 1855 Hayır 149,305 539,203 Portland is the state's largest city.
Pennsylvania 1787 Harrisburg 1812 Hayır 48,950 384,600 Philadelphia is the state's largest city.
Rhode Island 1790 Providence 1900 Evet 176,862 1,612,989 Providence also served as the capital 1636-1686 and 1689-1776. It was one of five co-capitals 1776-1853, and one of two co-capitals 1853-1900.
South Carolina 1788 Columbia 1786 Evet 122,819 703,771
South Dakota 1889 Pierre 1889 Hayır 13,876 Sioux Falls is the state's largest city.
Tennessee 1796 Nashville 1826 Hayır 607,413 1,455,097 Memphis is the state's largest city, and Nashville is the largest metro area.
Texas 1845 Austin 1839 Hayır 709,893 1,513,565 Houston is the state's largest city, and Dallas is the largest metro area.
Utah 1896 Salt Lake City 1858 Evet 181,743 1,067,722
Vermont 1791 Montpelier 1805 Hayır 8,035 Montpelier is the least populous U.S. state capital. Burlington is the state's largest city.
Virginia 1788 Richmond 1780 Hayır 195,251 1,194,008 Virginia Beach is the state's largest city, and Northern Virginia is the state's largest metro area.
Washington 1889 Olympia 1853 Hayır 42,514 234,670 Seattle is the state's largest city.
West Virginia 1863 Charleston 1885 Evet 52,700 305,526
Wisconsin 1848 Madison 1838 Hayır 221,551 543,022 Milwaukee is the state's largest city.
Wyoming 1890